Date: Mon May 7, 2001 4:23 pm Hi, I am a new member to the group. I have been on Paxil for almost 2 years now. I tried to go off last year, but as you all know, had a terrible time. After doing a lot of searching, research and finding you all, I have decided to start tapering off. I am on 20 mg a day at night. I saw JB's formula and have started by taking it down 5 mg. That was on Thursday that I began. I haven't started feeling bad yet, so I hope this is a good sign. I am going to try and remain as positive as I can because I don't want to have this poison in my body anymore!!! I will let you all know my progress, it is my hope that I can give some of my strength to others. I do however hope that you will all give me the support I will need during this time. Also, my doctor knows what I am doing, because I told HIM what I wanted to do. I am scared, but I am more scared of what can happen if I stay on this drug! Keep me in your prayers! Thanks for letting me join this wonderful group! Renee Date: Mon May 7, 2001 4:29 pm Response1: Welcome Renee. You bet you will get the support and help you need here. I've been a member for a long time and the advice and support I've gotten here is priceless. Hold onto that positive thinking as fiercely as you can. You're going to need it for the upcoming roller coaster ride. I call mine my "Irish Johnny Bull". And it will fail you from time to time (as anyone here can attest to how I've been feeling lately) but you just dig inside yourself all the more deeper and pull your determination out. Take care, and we are all here for you. Robin Date: Mon May 7, 2001 4:31 pm Response2: Renee, you have taken the first big steps to health... you told your doc you wanted off and YOU ARE LEARNING ALL YOU CAN. The wonderful folks here will help you, welcome and the best of luck, you may be a blessed one and not go through hell, but then again, you may have delayed withdrawal effects and needed the group more than you know. Learn alot and live one day at a time, when that gets hard, watch a clock and live one hour at a time, if that fails, go by minutes, read the old posts particularilly from Cynthia, Robin, Trisha, Charly, Patrict, they gave me insight into their learning and now they are passing on what they know. Be prepared, not scared, and write to let us know daily how it goes...hugs, Joey